So step away for a minute. Step away from the news, the stress of home schooling, the wiping and bleaching and washing of all of the things and have a little fun together! CREATE SOME MEMORIES. This time is unprecedented for not only us but for our children! This shut down, this quarantine will be taught about in textbooks to our future generations but our kids will remember the moments. Make memories, create art, use your imagination!

Baking east cork photography things to do

Bake some cookies and cakes!

rainbow art for others, covid 19, things to do, photography east cork

Show your appreciation with rainbows and hearts on windows and stones, leave them for others to find!

Set up a big bowl/box of water up in the kitchen for them to mess around

Set up a mud kitchen in the backyard

Build a den or a cave!

Create a life size drawing of your child.

Play indoor hide and seek!

Don't forget to take picture!!

A movie night with popcorn and coke?

Turn your pet into a superhero!

Make the most out of it! It might be over quicker as we think.

Newborn Family Photography East Cork

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